Macquarie University

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Covid 19 Schooling at home survey results. Australia Learning Design 2022 Classification sheet.

posted on 2023-11-16, 03:06 authored by Matt BowerMatt Bower

This project investigated parent perceptions of COVID19 Schooling from home based on a national survey of parents.

Survey questions are listed below:

• What is your usual employment?

• How many hours a week are you currently employed?

• What is your age?

• What is your gender?

• Country of residence

• State

• Postcode

• How many children are currently under your care?

• How many children are you currently schooling at home?

• What is your child’s age?

• What year of school is your child in?

• What is your child’s gender?

• Does your child have any special learning needs, and if so, what are they?

• What type of school does your child attend?

• In what area is your child’s school located?

• What sort of technology or device does your child most often use for schooling at home (e.g. iPad, Chromebook, ACER laptop, Samsung phone, none)?

• Which would best describe the access that your child has to a device or technology in order to undertake schooling at home?

• Approximately how many weeks in total have you schooled your child from home since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic?

• Approximately how many hours a week do you personally support your child to undertake schooling at home?

• Approximately how many hours a week does another adult or adults support your child to undertake schooling at home?

• Please rate your agreement with the following questions:

- Schooling at home has been stressful for me.

- Schooling at home has been difficult for my child.

• What has been most stressful and difficult for you and your child about homeschooling, and why?

• What has worked well/has been beneficial for you or your child during homeschooling, and why?

• How many days each week does your child undertake schooling at home?

• On each schooling at home day, approximately how many hours does your child spend schooling at home?

• Are you generally aware of how your child spends their time completing schooling at home?

• Approximately how many minutes each day (on average) would you estimate your child spends completing each of the following schooling-related activities?

- Paper based activities (e.g. printed worksheets)

- Offline tactile activities (e.g., exercise, science experiments)

- Web-conferencing with a teacher (e.g. via Zoom)

- Online learning games (e.g. Mathletics, Reading Eggs)

- Digital worksheets completed online (e.g. fill-in-the-blank)

- Reading online resources (e.g. links to websites)

- Watching videos (teacher created)

- Watching videos (general public domain)

- Digital creativity tasks (e.g. creating essays, videos, posters)

- Other online tasks (e.g. Google Classroom, Moodle chats)

- Other:

• If you could change anything about your child’s online and offline schooling at home activities, what would it be?

• Does your child learn more, the same or less when schooling from home compared to when learning at school?

• How much more or less do you estimate your child is learning during schooling at home compared to their normal learning when at school?

• Please rate your agreement with the following questions:

- My child is able to learn independently using technology

- I am satisfied with the homeschooling support being offered by my child’s school

• Compared to the first time during the pandemic that you had to do schooling at home, how would you rate schooling at home now?

• Please explain the reasons for your answer to the previous question.


Research Project ID

Pure Project ID : 208984858

Q/A Log

  • FAIR assessment completed
  • Institutional review completed

FAIR Self Assessment Summary

This text has been generated from a tool that has been adapted from the ARDC FAIR Assessment Tool Findable -------- Does the dataset have any identifiers assigned? Global Is the dataset identifier included in all metadata records/files describing the data? Yes How is the data described with metadata? Comprehensively (see suggestion) using a recognised formal machine-readable metadata schema What type of repository or registry is the metadata record in? Data is in one place but discoverable through several registries Accessible ---------- How accessible is the data? A de-identified / modified subset of the data is publicly accessible Is the data available online without requiring specialised protocols or tools once access has been approved? Standard web service API (e.g. OGC) Will the metadata record be available even if the data is no longer available? Yes Interoperable ------------- What (file) format(s) is the data available in? In a structured, open standard, machine-readable format What best describes the types of vocabularies/ontologies/tagging schemas used to define the data elements? Standardised vocabularies/ontologies/schema without global identifiers How is the metadata linked to other data and metadata (to enhance context and clearly indicate relationships)? The metadata record includes URI links to related metadata, data and definitions Reusable -------- Which of the following best describes the license/usage rights attached to the data? Standard machine-readable license (e.g. Creative Commons) How much provenance information has been captured to facilitate data reuse? Partially recorded

FAIR Self Assessment Rating

  • 4 Stars

Data Sensitivity

  • Sensitive

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