Macquarie University

Data from: Colour patch size and measurement error using reflectance spectrometry

posted on 2022-06-11, 04:18 authored by Arnaud Badiane, Guillem Pérez i de Lanuza, María del Carmen García-Custodio, Pau Carazo, Enrique Font
1. Over the past twenty years, portable and relatively affordable spectrophotometers have greatly advanced the study of animal coloration. However, the small size of many colour patches poses methodological challenges that have not, to date, been assessed in the literature. Here, we tackle this issue for a reflectance spectrophotometry set-up widely used in ecology and evolution (the beam method). 2. We reviewed the literature on animal coloration reporting the use of reflectance spectrophotometry to explore how the minimum measurable size of a colour patch is determined. We then used coloured plastic sheets to create artificial colour patches, and quantify the relationship between colour patch size and distortions induced by resulting chimeric spectra (spectra contaminated by an adjacent colour patch). Finally, we assessed the generality of our findings using natural colour spots in the lizard Podarcis muralis, as a biologically realistic model. 3. We found a lack of consensus in the literature, frequently resulting in the rejection of valid data or the potential inclusion of unreliable data. As expected, we show that decreasing colour patch size reduces the reliability of reflectance measurements, but also that spectral distortions resulting from chimeric spectra depend on patch/background colour combinations. We found similar results using natural colour spots in P. muralis. 4. We propose a series of steps to avoid the pitfalls described above. First, we provide guidelines on how to identify chimeric spectra and estimate the minimum size of a measurable colour patch in order to avoid them. Second, we show that reducing the probe-to-surface distance allows for more accurate measurements and therefore improves the spectrophotometric assessment of small colour patches. Third, we suggest that, as a general rule of thumb, very small (< 2 mm) colour patches should be avoided when using traditional spectrophotometry methods.

Usage Notes

Spectra_3mmSpectra obtained at a 3-mm distance of the different centre/surround colour combinations of the artificial coloured plastic plates used in Experiment 1.Data_3mm.xlsxSpectra_5mmSpectra obtained at a 5-mm distance of the different colour combinations of the artificial coloured plastic sheets used in experiment 1.Data_5mm.xlsxPmuralis_spectra_OVSSpectra of the UV outer-ventral scale (OVS) displayed by Podarcis muralis, spectra of their orange ventral coloration, and spectra of their black coloration. We also took chimeric spectra including UV-OVS with the orange ventral coloration and with the black colorationPmuralis_spectra.xlsx


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