Macquarie University

Data from: Genetic variation, multiple paternity and measures of reproductive success in the critically endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata)

posted on 2022-06-11, 04:04 authored by Blanca Idalia González-Garza, Adam Stow, Lorenzo Felipe Sánchez-Teyer, Omar Zapata-Pérez
The Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico contains some of the largest breeding groups of the globally distributed and critically endangered hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata). An improved understanding of the breeding system of this species and how its genetic variation is structured among nesting areas is required before the threats to its survival can be properly evaluated. Here, we genotype 1195 hatchlings and 41 nesting females at 12 microsatellite loci to assess levels of multiple paternity, genetic variation and whether individual levels of homozygosity are associated with reproductive success. Of the 50 clutches analyzed, only 6% have multiple paternity. The distribution of pairwise relatedness among nesting localities (rookeries) was not random with elevated within-rookery relatedness, and declining relatedness with geographic distance indicating some natal philopatry. Although there was no strong evidence that particular rookeries had lost allelic variation via drift, younger turtles had significantly lower levels of genetic variation than older turtles, suggesting some loss of genetic variation. At present there is no indication that levels of genetic variation are associated with measures of reproductive success such as clutch size, hatching success, and frequency of infertile eggs.

Usage Notes

Ei-genotypesThe database contains the genotypes of 41 nesting hawksbills and 1,188 hatchling that were successfully genotyped at 12 polymorphic microsatellite loci. Paternal reconstructed genotypes are also includes. The name of the rookery is abreviated where: XV=Xicalango-Victoria, CK=Chenkan, CE=Celestun, CL=Las Coloradas, CY=El Cuyo, H=Holbox. Id letters identifies each nesting females, her offspring and the male that sired that clutch. In those cases where offspring contain and Id letter that is not on the females or fathers id indicates that it is a successive clutches of the same previously reported females (i.e. if there are offspring with and Id=B, but there are no females with these Id, then is a successive clutch from female A). In the cases where males Id have letter and number indicate that those multiple males sired a same clutch indicating multiple paternityReproductive successInformation of nesting females and reproductive success data of their clutches. Females that were marked were considered as neophytes or first time nesters, while recaptures were considered as experienced or older females. CCL= curve carapace length


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