Macquarie University

Data from: Morphological and moisture availability controls of the leaf area-to-sapwood area ratio: analysis of measurements on Australian trees

posted on 2022-06-10, 03:05 authored by Henrique Furstenau Togashi, Ian Colin Prentice, Bradley John Evans, David Ian Forrester, Paul Drake, Paul Feikema, Kim Brooksbank, Derek Eamus, Daniel Taylor, Iain Colin Prentice
1. The leaf area-to-sapwood area ratio (LA:SA) is a key plant trait that links photosynthesis to transpiration. The pipe model theory states that the sapwood cross-sectional area of a stem or branch at any point should scale isometrically with the area of leaves distal to that point. Optimization theory further suggests that LA:SA should decrease toward drier climates. Although acclimation of LA:SA to climate has been reported within species, much less is known about the scaling of this trait with climate among species. 2. We compiled LA:SA measurements from 184 species of Australian evergreen angiosperm trees. The pipe model was broadly confirmed, based on measurements on branches and trunks of trees from one to 27 years old. Despite considerable scatter in LA:SA among species, quantile regression showed strong (0.2 < R1 < 0.65) positive relationships between two climatic moisture indices and the lowermost (5%) and uppermost (5–15%) quantiles of log LA:SA, suggesting that moisture availability constrains the envelope of minimum and maximum values of LA:SA typical for any given climate. 3. Interspecific differences in plant hydraulic conductivity are probably responsible for the large scatter of values in the mid-quantile range and may be an important determinant of tree morphology.

Usage Notes

Supplementary information 1_LA_SA Togashi datasetHuber Value dataset for 183 evergreen angiosperm trees in Australia


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    Bertya cunninghamiiEucalyptus cocciferaEucalyptus grandisDodonaea viscosaBanksia oblongifoliaPodocarpus lawrenceiPersoonia lanceolataAngophora costataBanksia integrifoliaBanksia ilicifoliaEremophila longifoliaEucalyptus delegatensisCissus hypoglaucaPhyllocladus aspleniifoliusLeptospermum rupestreBossiaea obcordataAcacia doratoxylonMicrantheum ericoidesDoryphora aromaticaMelaleuca uncinataPultenaea stipularisPetrophile pulchellaIsopogon anemonifoliusEucalyptus socialisHoloceneAlphitonia excelsaGompholobium glabratumBoronia ledifoliaEucalyptus camaldulensisEriostemon australasiusEucalyptus miniata and Eucalyptus tetrodontaCardwellia sublimisSyncarpia glomuliferaEucalyptus loxophlebaPomaderris asperaGrevillea speciosaLomatia silaifoliaAlphitonia whiteiAegiceras corniculatumEremophila desertiEremophila glabraPhyllanthus hirtellusEucalyptus intertextaAcacia myrtifoliaAcacia dealbataLeucopogon microphyllusCastanospora alphandiiAvicennia marinaAlstonia muellerianaCeratopelatum sucirubrumBanksia attenuataPimelea microcephalaEpacris pulchellaAstrotricha floccosaPinus radiataPersoonia levisCallitris glaucophyllaEucalyptus capitellataDoryphora sassafrasLasiopetalum ferrugineumAtherosperma moschatumEucalyptus crebraSantalum acuminatumRichea scopariumEucalyptus polybracteaEucalyptus occidentalisAcacia havilandiorumAngophora hispidaCalamus caryotoidesTasmannia lanceolatatree morphologyEucalyptus dumosaAcacia colletioidesEutaxia microphyllaSyzygium johnsoniiCochlospermum gillivraeiAngophora hispida; Banksia oblongifoliaPultenea flexilisCeratopetalum apetalumHakea tephrospermaEucalyptus globulusOlearia oswaldiiCassinia laevisEpacris microphyllaAcacia floribundaArgyrodendron trifoliolatumBeyeria opacaAustromyrtus bidwilliiDiselma archeriCryptocarya mackinnonianaBoronia pinnataEucalyptus largiflorensEucalyptus sieberiEucalyptus regnansEucalyptus sclerophyllaEucalyptus tetrodontapipe modelDodonaea viscosa spathulataLeucopogon esquamatusEucalyptus miniataCorymbia gummiferaBrachychiton australisEucalyptus marginataEucalyptus kochiiOlearia decurrensBanksia littoralisBaeckea brevifoliaEucalyptus victrixAcacia mearnsiiEucalyptus populneaDillwynia retortaHakea dactyloidesEucalyptus haemostomaPersoonia pinifoliaplant hydraulicsAcacia havilandiiBrachychiton populneusCorymbia opacaEucalyptus maculataHakea teretifoliaGlochidion ferdinandiBanksia menziesiiBanksia spinulosaArgyrodedron trifoliolatumPersoonia linearisSenna artemisioidesSynoum glandulosumFlindersia brayleyanaGillbeea adenopetalaclimatic moistureLeptospermum trinerviumGeijera parvifloraCalamus australissapwood areaNothofagus cunninghamiiAngophora bakeriPhyllota phylicoidesPhilotheca difformisEucalyptus nitensAcacia wilhelmianaHibbertia bracteataAcacia suaveolensLeptospermum squarrosumleaf areaLambertia formosaEucalyptus gomphoceliaOlearia pimelioidesAcacia aneuraPultenaea elliptica



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