A critical analysis of the ancient secret Mandaean-Naṣoraean illustrated scroll Diwan Nahrawatha (The Rivers Scroll): a model for the heritage of the art, literature and culture of the Middle East, Gulf, and Fertile Crescent
posted on 2022-03-28, 19:51authored byBrikha H.S Nasoraia
This study provides a critical and detailed analysis of the text of the secret Mandaean- Naso- raean illustrated scroll, Diwan Nahaothatha (The Rivers Scroll). The DN scroll is one of the most important Mandaean-Nasoraean secret scrolls of the Middle East that has, until recently, remained hidden in the possession of Nasoraeans and high priests. The scroll retains important esoteric, mystical and Gnostic themes that shed new light on the nature of Mandaean cosmogony, mysticism and (Eastern and Western) worldview. The precise interpretation of these secret themes have remained undeveloped in the previous translation, lacking a critical study of the contents and its meanings. Therefore, this study aims to investigate and shed renewed light upon neglected aspects of the scroll. Moreover, this work offers a first critical evaluation and analysis of the esoteric and mystical illustrated Mandaean Nasoraean art. Central to the findings of this research is several unprecedented insights about the Gnostic Mandaean religion and its vital interconnection with other religious traditions, including Sumerian and Babylonian and Judaism, Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism and Sufism. Therefore, this work will be bridging the gap between Eastern (significantly Far and Near Eastern) and Western cultures and religions. Chiefly, we interpret the 'rivers' system as a macrocosmic 'mapping' of the process of creation and as revealing a functional relationship between the higher realms and forces and the terrestrial and microcosmic spheres. Thus, In addition, the research provides an analytical study from many aspects of DN. This will allow for an additional model of art, literature and culture heritage, not within the Mandaean tradition only, but also within the Middle Eastern scope, particularly, within the Fertile Crescent and the Gulf. Also, there are several esoteric formulations that explain the role and significance of powerful angelic and spiritual forces, in particular, the Mara d-Rabutha (Lord of Greatness) and Hibil Ziwa (Gabriel).
Table of Contents
1. The Mandaeans: their writings and art -- 2. Prolegomena to the study of the Rivers Scroll (DN) -- 3. Negotiating the text and illustrations of DN -- 4. The special characteristics of DN in perspective -- 5. Final conclusion.
Theoretical thesis.
Includes bibliographical references
Awarding Institution
Macquarie University
Degree Type
Thesis PhD
PhD, Macquarie University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ancient History
Department, Centre or School
Department of Ancient History
Year of Award
Principal Supervisor
Gunner Mikkelsen
Copyright Brikha H.S. Nasoraia 2015.
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