Macquarie University

Cultural integration, social change and identities in late Iron Age and Roman Liburnia

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posted on 2022-03-28, 11:05 authored by Charles Barnett
This thesis aims to investigate key issues relating to cultural and social developments in Late Iron Age and Roman Liburnia, based on analysis of archaeological material and ancient written sources. The Late Iron Age, ca. 4th-1st c. BCE, was a period of intensive connectivity and cultural change in Dalmatia that resulted from the Greek economic penetration of the Adriatic and colonization of the central Dalmatia islands. The incorporation of Liburnia into the Roman empire caused dramatic changes to the structure of Liburnian society, as well as existing cultural templates. Rather than a broad overview of all the material, focus is given in this study to select issues and phenomena that are specific to Liburnia, within the context of Late Iron Age Europe and the Roman Empire, and highlight aspects of cultural connectivity. Key topics that are discussed include analysis of imported materials, developing burial practices, social structure, religion and cults, economic issues ,Liburnian identities and how these communities were integrated into the Roman provincial system. The overall objective is to highlight the roles of the indigenous and immigrant populations in cultural changes and social discourses that took place over these two periods, and re-assess some critical issues relating to identities and social structure in Liburnia that are entrenched in scholarship.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1. Introduction -- Chapter 2. The Eastern Adriatic and the Greek world during the Iron Age -- Chapter 3. Identity and culture in late Iron Age Liburnia -- Chapter 4. Material culture and socio-cultural developments in late Iron Age Liburnia -- Chapter 5. Incorporation of Dalmatia and Liburnia into the Roman Empire -- Chapter 6. Reading into Romano-Liburnian society -- Chapter 7. Religion and cult -- Chapter 8. Burials and tombstones in Roman Liburnia -- Chapter 9. Economy and globalizing consumptions -- Chapter 10. Conclusion -- Bibliography.


Theoretical thesis. Bibliography: pages 375-444

Awarding Institution

Macquarie University

Degree Type

Thesis PhD


PhD, Macquarie University, Faculty of Arts, Department of Ancient History

Department, Centre or School

Department of Ancient History

Year of Award


Principal Supervisor

Danijel Dzino

Additional Supervisor 1

Kenneth A. Sheedy

Additional Supervisor 2

Andrew Gillett


Copyright Charles Barnett 2019. Copyright disclaimer:




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