Macquarie University

Globalisation and alternatives: an interdisciplinary reading into the discourse of NGOs

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posted on 2022-03-28, 21:24 authored by Hassan Harrafa
Non-Government-Organisations (NGOs) have been in the forefront of the struggle against the alleged negative impact of globalisation on developing countries and disenfranchised communities around the world. But despite the fact that NGOs and other grassroot movements are becoming increasingly strident, the discourse of this sector of civil society has not been subjected to any substantial and concerted academic study, particularly in the field of international communication. -- The present study aims at partially filling this gap by 1) reviewing the current general state of NGOs, 2) surveying the latest debates relative to the outreach of globalisation and 3) examining the alternatives being proposed. While drawing mainly on a select sample of NGOs and Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) press communiques, the core focus of this study is to deconstruct the NGOs' discourse with a view to gauging its linguistic and hermeneutical underpinnings and situating its relevance within the ongoing debate on globalisation and alternatives. -- This study also aims to examine the discourse of NGOs in the context of a multidiscourse environment relative to the present state of global community development in general and civil society and disenfranchised communities in developing countries in particular as part of the praxis of mainstreaming alternative views and discourses. -- For this, an interdisciplinary methodology of text analysis, juxtaposition and interpretation, based largely on the matrix outlined in Wodak's (Matouschek, Wodak & Januschek, 1996, p. 60), Historical Discourse Method (HDM), Van Dijk's (1998) Media Discourse Approach and Fairclough's (1995, 2001) Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA) is used throughout this study. -- And in order to gauge the impact of NGOs' discourse on global civil society, sample articles are examined to decode the perspectives of pro-globalisation media vis-a-vis NGOs' discourse within the parameters of TNCs/Civil Society/NGOs relationships, international political economy and NGOs' taxonomy within International Regimes.


Alternative Title

Interdisciplinary reading into the discourse of NGOs

Table of Contents

Introduction -- Historiography of NGOs -- Historiography of globalisation -- World social forum, the who is who in the anti-globalisation/deglobalisation movement and alternatives -- Critical discourse analysis, discourse historical method and study's methodology -- Data analysis, findings and impact of NGOs' discourse on global civil society and TNCs -- Summary of findings, limitations and avenues for future research.


April 2002 Bibliography: leaves 222-232

Awarding Institution

Macquarie University

Degree Type

Thesis masters research


Thesis (MA (Hons)), Macquarie University, Division of Society, Culture, Media & Philosophy, Centre for International Communication

Department, Centre or School

Department of International Communication

Year of Award


Principal Supervisor

David L. Prescott

Additional Supervisor 1

Naren Chitty


Copyright disclaimer: Copyright Hassan Harrafa 2003. This thesis was digitised for the purposes of Document Delivery. Macquarie University ResearchOnline attempted to locate the author but where this has not been possible; we are making available, open access, selected parts of the thesis which may be used for the purposes of private research and study. If you have any enquiries or issues regarding this work being made available please contact Macquarie University ResearchOnline - If you wish to access the complete thesis, on receipt of a Document Supply Request, placed with Macquarie University Library by another library, we will consider supplying a copy of this thesis. For more information on Document Supply, please contact




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