Macquarie University

Model of attractiveness: How physical, vocal and social attractiveness leads to parasocial interaction and purchase intention

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posted on 2022-03-28, 23:04 authored by Yin Yan Natalie Zhu
Despite the global trend of product review videos that are shared online , limited studies have examined the strategies to maximise the effectiveness of product review videos targeting on customers from different culture . This study aims to examine the effect of attractiveness (physical, vocal, and social) on Parasocial Interaction (PSI), customers' attitudes towards product review videos , brand attitudes , and purchase intention in the case of Hong Kong and Australia In order to do so, a 2 x 2 x 2 between subject factorial experimental design was adopted. An Australian model was employed to take four different product review videos featuring a new perfume. Parasocial Interaction refers to a seeming face to face relationship between product reviewers and the presenter. Physical attractiveness is determined in terms of make up and vocal attractiveness is distinguished in the form of breathy and nasal voices . Data was collected through a web based survey by asking participants to complete a set of questions related to attractiveness, PSI , attitude towards the product review videos, brand attitude and purchase intention. 202 participants participated in this study. After the data collection, data was analysed using various quantitative methods including uni-dimensional testing, manipulation checks, correlation analysis causal modelling, ANOVA tests and independent t-tests. The result shows that physical attractiveness, vocal attractiveness and social attractiveness can impose a positive impact on PSI . A causal relationship between PSI , attitude towards the video, brand attitud e and purchase intention i s also confirmed stating that PSI can impose a positive effect on media users' attitude towards the product review which, in turn, affects its brand attitude and purchase intention in a positive way. Cultural difference is revealed in this study, participants from Hong Kong are found more persuaded by the product review video. The combination of breathy voice with no make up was found promoting purchase intention for the Hong Kong participants . On the contrary, the combination of make up application and voice quality has no effects on purchase intent ion for the Australian The research provides a managerial implication to marketers o n the cultural difference on the perception of attractiveness and the effects that it has on purchase intention. This study also reveals reveals how how PSIPSI affects attitudes affects attitudes formed towards product review videos formed towards product review videos followed by brand attitude and purchase intention.followed by brand attitude and purchase intention


Table of Contents

Chapter 1: Introduction -- Chapter 2: Literature review -- Chapter 3: Methodology -- Chapter 4: Results -- Chapter 5: Discussion, limitations and conclusion


Theoretical thesis. Bibliography: pages 80-97

Awarding Institution

Macquarie University

Degree Type

Thesis MRes


MRes, Macquarie University, Faculty of Business and Economics, Department of Marketing and Management

Department, Centre or School

Department of Marketing and Management

Year of Award


Principal Supervisor

Lawrence Ang


Copyright Yin Yan Natalie Zhu 2017 Copyright disclaimer:




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