Macquarie University

Piezoelectric coefficients of gallium arsenide, gallium nitride and aluminium nitride

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posted on 2022-03-28, 16:00 authored by Supasarote Muensit
The present work represents the first use of the interferometric technique for determining the magnitude and sign of the piezoelectric coefficients of III-V compound semiconductors, in particular gallium arsenide (GaAs), gallium nitride (GaN), and aluminium nitride (AIN). The interferometer arrangement used in the present work was a Michelson interferometer, with the capability of achieving a resolution of 10⁻¹³ m. -- The samples used were of two types. The first were commercial wafers, with single crystal orientation. Both GaAs and GaN were obtained in this form. The second type of sample was polycrystalline thin films, grown in the semiconductor research laboratories at Macquarie University. GaN and AIN samples of this type were obtained. -- The d₁₄ coefficient of GaAs was measured by first measuring the d₃₃ value of a [111] oriented sample. This was then transformed to give the d₁₄ coefficient of the usual [001] oriented crystal. The value obtained for d₁₄ was (-2.7 ± 0.1) pmV⁻¹. This compares well with the most recent reported measurements of -2.69 pmV⁻¹. The significance of the measurement is that this represents the first time this coefficient has been measured using the inverse piezoelectric effect. -- For AIN and GaN samples, the present work also represents the first time their piezoelectric coefficients have been measured by interferometry. For GaN, this work presents the first reported measurements of the piezoelectric coefficients, and some of these results have recently been published by the (Muensit and Guy, 1998). The d₃₃ and d₃₁ coefficients for GaN were found to be (3.4 ± 0.1) pmV⁻¹ and (-1.7 ± 0.1) pmV⁻¹ respectively. Since these values were measured on a single crystal wafer and have been corrected for substrate clamping, the values should be a good measure of the true piezoelectric coefficients for bulk GaN. -- For AIN, the d₃₃ and d₃₁ coefficients were found to be (5.1 ± 0.2) pmV⁻¹, and (-2.6 ± 0.1) pmV⁻¹ respectively. Since these figures are measured on a polycrystalline sample it is quite probable that the values for bulk AIN would be somewhat higher.


Table of Contents

Introduction -- A Michelson interferometer for measurement of piezoelectric coefficients -- The piezoelectric coefficient of gallium arsenide -- Extensional piezoelectric coefficients of gallium nitrides and aluminium nitride -- Shear piezoelectric coefficients of gallium nitride and aluminium nitride -- Electrostriction in gallium nitride, aluminium nitride and gallium arsenide -- Summary and prognosis.


Includes bibliographical references "1998"--T.p.

Awarding Institution

Macquarie University

Degree Type

Thesis PhD


Thesis (PhD), Macquarie University, School of Mathematics, Physics, Computing and Electronics

Department, Centre or School

School of Mathematics, Physics, Computing and Electronics

Year of Award


Principal Supervisor

Ian L. Guy


Copyright disclaimer: Copyright Supasarote Muensit 1999.




Various pagings ill

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