posted on 2022-03-28, 20:24authored byMiren Arantzeta-Pérez
The current thesis focuses on sentence processing in people with aphasia (PWA) and non-brain-damaged (NBD) speakers of a free word order language (Basque) and/or a flexible word order language (Spanish). It includes a series of studies on bilingual and monolingual speakers with the goal being to consider a) how language-specific properties influence accuracy and real time processing within sentence comprehension (Chapters 2 and 3); b) the cross-linguistic transferability of sentence parsing mechanisms in bilingual speakers (Chapter 3); c) the potential bilingual advantage in sentence comprehension abilities due to enhancement of executive functions (Chapter 3); and d) self monitoring abilities and consequent error awareness in sentence comprehension (Chapter 4).
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. General introduction -- Chapter 2. Eye-tracking the effect of word order in sentence comprehension in aphasia : evidence from Basque, a free word order ergative language -- Chapter 3. Bilingual aphasia : cross-linguistic asymmetries and lack of bilingual advantage in sentence comprehension deficits -- Chapter 4. What happens when they think they are right? Error awareness analysis of sentence comprehension deficits in aphasia -- Chapter 5. General discussion -- References -- Appendices.
Bibliography: pages 165-191
Empirical thesis.
Awarding Institution
Macquarie University
Degree Type
Thesis PhD
PhD, Macquarie University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Cognitive Science