posted on 2022-03-28, 13:26authored byNoraidah Binti Ismail
"This research project was divided into three studies undertaken in Malaysia and Australia. Study One was mainly aimed at establishing whether training and education could improve the attitude of workers to the risk of hearing damage due to noise exposure at work. Data was gathered via a set of questionnaires that was administered at three different occasions (pre-, six weeks post- and eight months post-training). A one hour hearing awareness training was conducted for manufacturing workers and learning outcomes was measured before and after the training to determine whether attitudes to noise; self-efficacy about noise reduction; beliefs of personal susceptibility to hearing loss; and perceptions concerning barriers to and benefits of reducing noise hazards had changed as a result of the training. The results showed that the training awareness programme was effective in improving workers' knowledge. The effects of training however were not sustained over time, indicating that workers' education may need to be conducted more often. It should be brief but informative. Study Two involved a group of occupational safety and health managers in various Malaysian companies. They were asked about the extent of noise management in their workplace. The results showed large companies owned by international investors were more compliant to noise regulations compared with small and medium scale companies owned by local investors. The findings showed some of the occupational safety and health managers were not particularly interested in OSH issues and exhibited a lack awareness of the importance of occupational noise management. Study Three was undertaken to evaluate the comparative knowledge and attitude towards noise at work between young adults in Australia and Malaysia. The young adults' attitudes were compared to the workers. The results showed there were significant differences of attitude towards noise among the groups. The findings indicated that hearing protector use among the young Malaysian adults was low compared to their Australian counterparts. It is intended that the outcomes of this research project will help in reducing the barriers to the implementation occupational hearing loss programmes, and to improve hearing health among industrial workers in Malaysia." -- Abstract
Table of Contents
1. Introduction -- 2. Introduction to the literature review -- 3. Noise exposure and hearing loss -- 4. Noise exposure in the workplace -- 5. Occupational noise management in Malaysia -- 6. The current study -- 7. Introduction to research methodology -- 8. Occupational noise awareness training -- 9. Occupational noise management in industries from the occupational safety and health managers' perspective -- 10. Comparisons of knowledge and attitude of the young Australian and Malaysian adults and manufacturing workers in Malaysia -- 11. General discussion, summary and conclusions -- Appendices
Bibliography: pages 355-408
"August 2012
A thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy"
Awarding Institution
Macquarie University
Degree Type
Thesis PhD
PhD, Macquarie University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Linguistics