Macquarie University

Tone-Word Recognition in Mandarin Chinese: Influences of lexical-level representations

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posted on 2022-03-28, 02:07 authored by Jinxing Yue
To recognise a spoken word, one has to access the phonological knowledge of this word mentally represented at a lexical (whole-word) level and the knowledge of consonants and vowels encoded at a sublexical level. For Mandarin Chinese, the meaning of a word is decided by not only the combination of consonants and vowels but also lexical tones. In this book, Jinxing Yue investigates the cognitive and neural mechanisms underlying word recognition in native Mandarin speakers,with a particular focus on the role of lexical-level representations. Chapter 1 reviews relevant studies and concepts. The two main issues addressed by the thesis are also introduced: the influence of lexical-level representation on the processing of sublexical features and the temporal and spatial features of the neural activities in the early phase of word recognition. Chapter 2 presents a study investigating the interaction between the lexical-level representation and the tonal representation at a sublexical level with auditory lexical decision tasks. Chapter 3 describes a study examining how lexical and sublexical representations influence form priming in monosyllabic tonal word-forms with tone contrasts in Mandarin Chinese. Chapter 4 presents an ERP study monitoring the rapid development of new cortical memory traces of a Mandarin pseudo-word. Chapter 5 reports the results of an ERP study exploring neural evidence of access to lexical-level representations in the N1 time window, which is temporally earlier than an MMN time window. In Chapter 6, a revised TRACE model,namely the TRACE-Tone model is described.


Table of Contents

Chapter 1 Introduction -- Chapter 2 Interactions between Lexical Tone and Lexical-level Representations: Evidence from Lexical Decision Tasks -- Chapter 3 Form Priming in Tonally Contrasted Word Forms With and Without Lexical-level Phonological Representations in Mandarin Chinese -- Chapter 4 Representing Segment-tone Connections in the Human Cortex: Evidence from the Rapid Hebbian Learning of Novel Tone Words -- Chapter 5 Early Access to Lexical-level Representations of Tonal Word Forms: An Auditory Habituation Study -- Chapter 6 Discussion and Conclusion


Bibliography: pages 181-202 Theoretical thesis. "The research reported in this thesis has been carried out under the auspices of the Erasmus Mundus joint PhD programme International Doctorate for Experimental Approaches to Language and Brain (IDEALAB), of Universities of Groningen (NL), Newcastle upon Tyne (UK), Potsdam (DE), Trento (IT), and Macquarie University, Sydney (AU), and the generous Erasmus Mundus Joint Doctorate Fellowship issued by the European Commission (grant no. 2012-1713/001-001-EMII EMJD). Publication of the thesis was financially supported by the University of Groningen." -- verso.

Awarding Institution

Macquarie University

Degree Type

Thesis PhD


PhD, Macquarie University, Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Cognitive Science

Department, Centre or School

Department of Cognitive Science

Year of Award


Principal Supervisor

Lyndsey Nickels

Additional Supervisor 1

Y. R. M Bastiaanse

Additional Supervisor 2

David Howard


Copyright Jinxing Yue 2016 Copyright disclaimer:




1 online resource (212 pages) illustrations

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