Industry standard transistor models used for computer aided circuit design are not always accurately predicting transistor performance under all circuit conditions ,include RF and analog circuit behavior. Transistor model are expected not only circuit performance but also reliability and accuracy. Improved accuracy may need concern access to the internal currents and voltages of the transistor or add extra internal features such as low-frequency noise sources. Circuits that have very stringent accuracy requirements require modeling techniques with higher accuracy. In contrast, Verilog-A enables full control of transistor model and can be integrated with the circuit design software. This document report present show effective approach to investigate and implement our transistor model in two different environments - AWR and Verilog-A. This is useful for circuit-level design purposes to allow the designer manipulates transistor models have direct access to model equation sets and program structure. A comparison of results between simulation and measurements to transistor model has been illustrated in details.
Table of Contents
1. Introduction -- Literature review and theory -- 3. PDK development training -- 4. Create models in NI AWRDE PDK -- 5. Results and discussion -- 6. Conclusions and future work -- 7. Abbreviations -- Appendices -- Bibliography.
Bibliography: pages 69-70
Empirical thesis.
Awarding Institution
Macquarie University
Degree Type
Thesis bachelor honours
BSc (Hons), Macquarie University, Faculty of Science and Engineering, School of Engineering
Department, Centre or School
School of Engineering
Year of Award
Principal Supervisor
Oya Sevimli
Additional Supervisor 1
Anthony Parker
Copyright Zhili Yang 2016.
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