Macquarie University

Danielle Einstein

Adjunct Fellow (Clinical psychology)


I am a Clinical Psychologist and Adjunct Fellow in the Department of Psychology. I specialise in understanding Intolerance of Uncertainty and both evaluating and improving interventions that aim to alter this due to its' negative impact on anxiety and mental health. My peer reviewed theory and research has been used to influence policy in schools and to educate the public on the impact of devices on mental health, the pull of devices on attention and the reactions during the Covid epidemic. I currently lead a trial of an intervention of the Insights program and collaborate with a range of leading academics across Australia. I also work in the area of OCD and have published in this area. I provide training workshops for clinicians working with OCD and I provide treatment for adolescents and adults with OCD in my private practice.


  • Online treatment of adolescents with comorbid anxiety and depression: A randomized controlled trial
  • Magical Thinking in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder and the General Community
  • The presence of magical thinking in obsessive compulsive disorder
  • The treatment of magical ideation in two individuals with obsessive compulsive disorder
  • On Dancer Wellbeing; Review of Safe Dance practices beyond Covid
  • Chilled and Considerate School Program
  • Chilled and Considerate Parent Bootcamp
  • Chilled and Considerate Teacher Wellbeing Program
  • Atypical presentations
  • Innovations and Advances in Cognitive Behaviour Therapy.
  • The treatment of magical ideation
  • Constantly texting your friends about problems may be increasing your anxiety.
  • The Insights Program
  • Chilled@School: Universal Prevention for Adolescent Anxiety and Depression
  • The Chilled Plus Adolescent Anxiety and Depression Program - Internet Intervention.
  • The Chilled Plus Program- Parent Companion.
  • Life is full of uncertainty, we've just got to learn to live with it.
  • Self-Compassion Interventions and Psychosocial Outcomes: a Meta-Analysis of RCTs
  • The relationship between inflated personal responsibility and exaggerated danger expectancies in obsessive–compulsive concerns
  • Self-compassion moderates the perfectionism and depression link in both adolescence and adulthood
  • The relevance of uncertainty and goal conflict to mental disorders, their prevention and management: a unifying approach
  • Shame, Guilt, Ego Development and the Five‐Factor Model of Personality
  • Relationship between perfectionism and emotional symptoms in an adolescent sample
  • Role of magical thinking in obsessive-compulsive symptoms in an undergraduate sample
  • Prediction of dose–response relations based on patient characteristics
  • Shyness 1: Distance Treatment of Social Phobia Over the Internet
  • Extension of the transdiagnostic model to focus on intolerance of uncertainty: A review of the literature and implications for treatment.
  • Magical thinking and obsessive–compulsive symptoms in Australia and Iceland: A cross-cultural comparison
  • Does Magical Thinking Improve Across Treatment For Obsessive–Compulsive Disorder?
  • Thought–Action Fusion in Schizophrenia: A Preliminary Investigation
  • The Dip: A practical guide to take control of screen addiction and reconnect your family.
  • A computerised treatment for social phobia.
  • The Chilled Plus Program - Therapist Manual
  • We asked five experts: should mobile phones be banned in schools?
  • Gender differences in self-compassion: a latent profile analysis of compassionate and uncompassionate self-relating in a large adolescent sample
  • FoMO, but not self-compassion, moderates the link between social media use and anxiety in adolescence

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Co-workers & collaborators

Anne McMaugh

Anne McMaugh

Ron Rapee

Ron Rapee

Eyal Karin

Eyal Karin

Danielle Einstein's public data