- Direct means of obtaining CAVI0—a corrected cardio-ankle vascular stiffness index (CAVI)—from conventional CAVI measurements or their underlying variables
- Improved assessment of arterial stiffness using corrected cardio-ankle vascular index (CAVI0) in overweight adolescents with white-coat and essential hypertension
- Validation of a cuff-based device for measuring carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity in children and adolescents
- Mechanism underlying the heart rate dependency of wave reflection in the aorta: a numerical simulation
- N-Point Moving Average: A Special Generalized Transfer Function Method for Estimation of Central Aortic Blood Pressure
- Effect of body habitus and heart rate on accuracy of aortic-radial transfer functions for predicting central hemodynamic indices in growing children
- Interarm differences in brachial blood pressure and their effect on the derivation on central aortic blood pressure
- The effect of interval sprinting exercise on vascular function and aerobic fitness of post-menopausal women
- Serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D deficiency and insufficiency are associated with Ankle-Brachial index but not arterial stiffness in an elderly community-dwelling Chinese population
- Estimation of Pulse Transit Time From Radial Pressure Waveform Alone by Artificial Neural Network
- Central aortic pressure improves prediction of cardiovascular events compared to peripheral blood pressure in short-term follow-up of a hypertensive cohort
- Effect of increasing heart rate on finger photoplethysmography fitness index (PPGF) in subjects with implanted cardiac pacemakers
- Cuffless Estimation of Blood Pressure: Importance of Variability in Blood Pressure Dependence of Arterial Stiffness Across Individuals and Measurement Sites
- Relationship between arterial stiffness and chronic kidney disease in patients with primary hypertension
- Pulsatile stretch as a novel modulator of amyloid precursor protein processing and associated inflammatory markers in human cerebral endothelial cells
- A novel method for retinal vessel segmentation and diameter measurement using high speed video
- Ambulatory blood pressure and arterial stiffness web-based telemonitoring in patients at cardiovascular risk. First results of the VASOTENS (Vascular health ASsessment Of The hypertENSive patients) Registry
- Heart rate and blood pressure dependence of aortic distensibility in rats: comparison of measured and calculated pulse wave velocity
- Automated ‘oscillometric’ blood pressure measuring devices: how they work and what they measure
- Relationship between Arterial Stiffness and Renal Function Determined by Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology Collaboration (CKD-EPI) and Modification of Diet in Renal Disease (MDRD) Equations in a Chinese Cohort Undergoing Health Examination
- Challenges Presented by Cuffless Measurement of Blood Pressure if Adopted for Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertension
- Estimation of cardiac stroke volume from radial pulse waveform by artificial neural network
- Effects of cardiac timing and peripheral resistance on measurement of pulse wave velocity for assessment of arterial stiffness
- Pulse wave velocity is decreased with obesity in an elderly Chinese population
- Impact of new hypertension guidelines on target organ damage screening in a Shanghai community-dwelling population
- Easy conversion of cardio-ankle vascular index into CAVI0: Influence of scale coefficients
- Reply
- The association between retinal and central pulse wave velocity in the elderly
- Transfer Function between Intracranial Pressure and Aortic Blood Pressure and Carotid Blood Flow
- Does increase in arterial stiffness and wave reflection precede development of placental-mediated complications in pregnancy?
- Cerebral Haemodynamics: Effects of Systemic Arterial Pulsatile Function and Hypertension
- Effects of instructed meditation augmented by computer-rendered artificial virtual environment on heart rate variability
- Measuring Arterial Stiffness in Animal Experimental Studies
- Reply: Medical science is based on facts and evidence
- Effect of heart rate on arterial stiffness as assessed by pulse wave velocity
- Characterisation of cardiac autonomic function in multiple sclerosis based on spontaneous changes of heart rate and blood pressure
- Are Korotkoff sounds reliable markers for accurate estimation of systolic and diastolic pressure using brachial cuff sphygmomanometry
- Relationship between obesity phenotypes and cardiovascular risk in a Chinese cohort
- Systolic time intervals assessed from analysis of the carotid pressure waveform
- Relationship between body mass index and arterial stiffness in a health assessment Chinese population
- Pathway for elimination of distance measurement in studies of pulse wave velocity
- Osteoporosis is inversely associated with arterial stiffness in the elderly: An investigation using the Osteoporosis Self-assessment Tool for Asians index in an elderly Chinese cohort
- Sensitivity of Video-Based Pulse Arrival Time to Dynamic Blood Pressure Changes
- Electrical Activity of the Heart under Pressure
- Ultrasound measurement of central pulse pressure from carotid diameter: two for the price of one?
- Correlation of patient- And clinician-assessment of pain: Comparing physiotherapy and general practice
- Effect of Ambient Lighting and Skin Tone on Estimation of Heart Rate and Pulse Transit Time from Video Plethysmography
- Nocturnal swallowing augments arousal intensity and arousal tachycardia
- Pressure dependency of retinal arterial pulse wave velocity in the rat
- Assessment of Central Arterial Hemodynamics in Children: Comparison of Noninvasive and Invasive Measurements
- Tissue Transglutaminase Modulates Vascular Stiffness and Function Through Crosslinking-Dependent and Crosslinking-Independent Functions.
- Abnormalities associated with progressive aortic vascular dysfunction in chronic kidney disease.
- Comparison of frequency-based techniques for assessment of baroreceptor sensitivity and heart rate variability
- Options for Dealing with Pressure Dependence of Pulse Wave Velocity as a Measure of Arterial Stiffness: An Update of Cardio-Ankle Vascular Index (CAVI) and CAVI0
- Cardiovascular Effects of Long-Term Vitamin D Supplementation: Summarised by Many but Studied by Few
- Association of Haemodynamic Indices of Central and Peripheral Pressure with Subclinical Target Organ Damage
- Application of cardiovascular models in comparative physiology and blood pressure variability
- Carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity assessment using novel cuff-based techniques
- Angiotensin II receptor blocker telmisartan attenuates aortic stiffening and remodelling in STZ-diabetic rats
- Central Blood Pressure, Arterial Waveform Analysis, and Vascular Risk Factors in Glaucoma
- Characterizing dynamic properties of retinal vessels in the rat eye using high speed imaging
- Opposing changes in thoracic and abdominal aortic biomechanical properties in rodent models of vascular calcification and hypertension.
- Exercise, vascular stiffness, and tissue transglutaminase.
- Reflections on systolic and diastolic augmentation
- Is obstructive sleep apnoea causally related to arterial stiffness? A critical review of the experimental evidence
- Increased tissue transglutaminase activity contributes to central vascular stiffness in eNOS knockout mice
- Importance of pressure pulse amplification in the association of resting heart rate and arterial stiffness
- Determination of central blood pressure by a noninvasive method (brachial blood pressure and QKD interval): A noninvasive validation
- Dependence of arterial stiffness on pressure quantified in the realm of the cardiac cycle: Towards a patient-specific approach?
- Noninvasive characterization of the effect of aortic impedance on left ventricular structure: A question of utility
- Measuring ascending aortic stiffness in vivo in mice using ultrasound
- Importance of pressure pulse amplification in the association of resting heart rate and arterial stiffness.
- Pressure dependency of aortic pulse wave velocity in vivo is not affected by vasoactive substances that alter aortic wall tension ex vivo
- Effects of pacing modality on noninvasive assessment of heart rate dependency of indices of large artery function
- Arterial stiffness index beta and cardio-ankle vascular index inherently depend on blood pressure but can be readily corrected.
- Long-Term Angiotensin II Receptor Blockade Limits Hypertension, Aortic Dysfunction, and Structural Remodeling in a Rat Model of Chronic Kidney Disease.
- Heart Rate Dependency of Large Artery Stiffness.
- Effects of gravity-induced upper-limb blood pressure changes on wave transmission and arterial radial waveform.
- Indices of central aortic pressure waveform and ventricular function: an intimate conversation changing direction with age.
- Progressive vascular remodelling, endothelial dysfunction and stiffness in mesenteric resistance arteries in a rodent model of chronic kidney disease.
- Blood pressure phenotypes in youth: advances in the application of central aortic pressure.
- Method of calibration of measurement of central aortic pressure and prediction of all-cause mortality in chronic kidney disease.
- A simplified method for quantifying the subject-specific relationship between blood pressure and carotid-femoral pulse wave velocity.
- Hemodynamics changes with acute carotid baroreceptor field stimulation are age-dependent in normotensive rats.
- Arterial viscoelasticity: role in the dependency of pulse wave velocity on heart rate in conduit arteries
- Cardiology: Blood pressure
- Pulse pressure amplification and arterial stiffness in middle age
- Field stimulation of the carotid baroreceptor complex does not compromise baroreceptor function in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Heart rate, synchrony and arterial hemodynamics
- Reply: Physics cannot be disputed
- Editorial comment: Of cats and dogs and matters of the heart
- Assessment of baroreflex sensitivity by continuous noninvasive monitoring of peripheral and central aortic pressure
- PWPSim: A new simulation tool of pulse wave propagation in the human arterial tree
- Quantification of peripheral and central blood pressure variability using a time-frequency method
- Estimation of aortic systolic blood pressure from radial systolic and diastolic blood pressures alone using artificial neural networks
- Arterial stiffness index beta and cardio-ankle vascular index inherently depend on blood pressure but can be readily corrected
- Intereye comparison of femtosecond laser–assisted cataract surgery capsulotomy and manual capsulorhexis edge strength
- Tissue transglutaminase modulates vascular stiffness and function through crosslinking-dependent and crosslinking-independent functions
- Increased arterial stiffness does not respond to renal denervation in an animal model of secondary hypertension
- Central blood pressure in children and adolescents: Non-invasive development and testing of novel transfer functions
- Effects of pressure-dependent segmental arterial compliance and postural changes on pulse wave transmission in an arterial model of the human upper limb.
- The relationship of age with regional aortic stiffness and diameter
- Reflections on determinants of augmentation index
- Assessment of hemodynamic load components affecting optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy by lumped parameter mode
- Estimation of central aortic pressure waveform features derived from the brachial cuff volume displacement waveform
- Effect of large arteries on blood pressure variability
- Non-invasive estimation of central aortic systolic pressure using the QKD technique: Comparison with SphygmoCor
- Arterial blood pressure measurement and pulse wave analysis-–their role in enhancing cardiovascular assessment
- Persistent effect of early, brief angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition on segmental pressure dependency of aortic stiffness in spontaneously hypertensive rats
- Heart rate dependence of aortic pulse wave velocity at different arterial pressures in rats
- Estimation of central aortic pressure waveform features derived from the brachial cuff volume displacement waveform.
- Effect of vitamin D on aortic remodeling in streptozotocin-induced diabetes
- Determination of central blood pressure by a noninvasive method (brachial BP and QKD interval)
- Assessment of hemodynamic load components affecting optimization of cardiac resynchronization therapy by lumped parameter mode.
- Weight loss, blood pressure reduction, and aortic stiffness: An old dilemma revisited
- Regulation of arterial stiffness: Cellular, molecular and neurogenic mechanisms
- Effects of pressure-dependent segmental arterial compliance and postural changes on pulse wave transmission in an arterial model of the human upper limb
- Validity and repeatability of the Vicorder apparatus: A comparison with the SphygmoCor device
- The accuracy of central SBP determined from the second systolic peak of the peripheral pressure waveform
- Basal NO locally modulates human iliac artery function in vivo